South Korea
Country: KR
The effect of electric field on the surface of nanoparticles (TiO2 & SiO2) and its application to retardation of membrane fouling
Park S-E, Park S-J, Ry D-Y, Kwak J-W, Lee S-W., Park S-E, Park S-J, Associate Professor, Kyungwon University, KR
Since electrostatic device has been practiced for anti-foulant treatment effect on processing the industrial wastewater, the electric force is suspected to induce the alteration of surface charges of colloidal particles in the aspect of reducing [...]
Field emission characteristics of carbon nanofibers grown on the electroplated copper micro-tips
Sung W-Y, Kim W-J, Kim Y.H., Lee H.Y., Lee S.M., Yoo H-S, Lee H.Y., Lee S.M., Joo S-K, Kim W-J, Kim Y.H., Seoul National University, KR
Carbon nanofibers (CNFs) were synthesized on micro-copper tips by using direct current plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition of C2H2 and NH3 gas at 480℃. The copper micro-tips were uniformly formed by high current electroplating and [...]
Diameter controlled synthesis of carbon nanotubes by CVD using steric-stabilized iron nanoparticle catalysts
Carbon nanotubes (CNT) are the subject of intensive investigation due to their potential applications in nanoelectronics, biological sensors, high performance materials etc. CNTs can be synthesized using variety of techniques of which synthesis using chemical [...]
First-principle Study for Neutral Indium Migration in Silicon
We could figure out the atomistic configurations and migration energy during indium diffusion in silicon through our ab-initio calculations, which consists of searching for saddle points from a minimum and reaction pathway between the two [...]
Physical Modeling of Substrate Resistance in RF MOSFETs
A simple and accurate method is presented for extracting the substrate resistance of RF MOSFETs. The extraction results for 0.18 um MOSFETs are shown for various bias conditions. The dependence of the extracted substrate resistances [...]
A Study on Alleviating Deformation of MEMS Structure and Prediction of Residual Stress in Surface Micromachining
When MEMS Structure, like RF switch, manufactured in high temperature is cooled down to the room temperature, the difference of the thermal expansion coefficients of structural materials, which are aluminum layer for electrical function and [...]
Fabrication and Characterization of MOS Transistor Tip Integrated Micro Cantilever
In this paper, we fabricate and characterize the metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) transistor tip integrated micro cantilever, which is proposed for a future high-density data storage system. The integrated MOS transistor tip as the sensing part has [...]
Intelligent Digital 3-Axis IMU for Automotive and Robotic Applications
Ko H., Park S., Park Y., Choi B-D, Park S., Park Y., Song T., Lim G., Yoo K., Lee A., Lee S-C, Lee S., Lww S.C., Lee A., Lee S-C, Lee S., Lee A., Lee S-C, Lee S., Cho D-I, Choi B-D, Seoul National University, KR
This paper presents the intelligent digital 3-axis IMU (inertial measurement unit) system. The MEMS accelerometer and gyroscope sensing cores are fabricated by using the SBM (Sacrificial Bulk Micromachining) process. The fabricated sensing cores accomplish the [...]
The Modeling and Characterization of Nano-Scale MOSFET Resistance
Lee H.J., Lee J-H., Lee J-Y, Lee W.H., Lee H.J., Lee J-H., Lee J-Y, Lee W.H., Lee H.J., Lee J-H., Lee J-Y, Lee W.H., Kang E-S, Kang J-W, Lee H.J., Lee J-H., Lee J-Y, Lee W.H., Byun K.R., Kang E-S, Kang J-W, Hwang H-J., Kwon O-K., Sangmyung University, KR
It has been reported that both the shallow junction and the heavily doped extension as the methods to minimize the off-current and to stabilize the on-current of the sub-90nm scaled device, can solve the short-channel [...]