Ultimate Limits to Optical Displacement Detection in Nanoelectromechanical Systems
Nano-electro-mechanical Systems (NEMS) are among the most promising manifestations of the emerging field of nanotechnology. These are electromechanical systems with dimensions in the deep submicron mostly operated in their resonant modes. In this size regime, [...]
Local Optical Field in the Neighborhood of Structured Surfaces: Phase Singularities and Talbot Effect
Levine B., Caumont M., Amien C., Chaudret B., Dwir B., Bacsa W.S., LPST Université Paul Sabatier, FR
We have probed the local optical field in the vicinity of structured surfaces to observe optical coherence effects. We have used a sub -wavelength sized optical fiber probe to map the local field of microgratings [...]
High Resolution Backside Imaging and Thermography using a Numerical Aperature Increasing Lens
Ünlü M.S., Ippolito S.B., Eraslan M.G., Thorne S.A., Vamivakas A., Goldberg B.B., Leblebici Y., Boston University, US
Nanoscale imaging of defects in ICs is a great current technological challenge as IC feature sizes continue to shrink. We have developed novel techniques based on a Numerical Aperture Increasing Lens (NAIL) to study semiconductors [...]
An Ultra-Fast Scheme for Sample-Detection in Dynamic-Mode Atomic Force Microscopy
In typical dynamic mode operation of atomic force microscopes steady state signals like amplitude and phase are used for detection and imaging of material. In these methods, high quality factor of the cantilever results in [...]
Nano-Scale Effects in GaN-based Light-Emitting Diodes
We here investigate the effects of built-in polarization on the properties of non-symmetric InGaN quantum wells. The impact of these nano-scale effects on the performance of blue light emitting diodes is analyzed utilizing advanced numerical [...]
A Minnow, an E. Coli and Ubiquinone: The Story of Rectified Brownian Motion
Rectified Brownian motion provides a mechanistic alternative to the power stroke model for the function of motor proteins and other enzyme complexes. ATP is the source of metabolic free energy for motor proteins such as [...]
Multiscale (Nano-to-Micro) Design of Integrated Nanobio Systems
Biological systems have the first level of organization at the nanoscale. Proteins, DNA, RNA, ion channels are nanoscale systems that leverage molecular interactions to perform specific tasks. Integrated nano-bio systems have emerged as strong candidates [...]
Stochastic Analysis of Particle-Pair Transport in Brownian Ratchet Device
The motion of particle pairs in a Brownian ratchet device is studied using Langevin simulations. A Lennard-Jones interaction between the particles is added to a standard spring-bead model. The effects of such interaction upon a [...]
Superposition Behavior in Babinet’s Effect on the Nano Au Particles Patterns
The individual Babinet effect [1] in two types of complementary patterns can be added on a composed pattern mixed both patterns under the FTIR (Fourier Transform Infer-Red) spectroscopy measuring. That is the Babinet spectrum on [...]
Quantum Dots/Conductive Polymer Nanocomposite
The nanocomposite composed of CdSe quantum dots and conductive polymer (MDMO-PPV) was investigated. The spherical 3.8-nm functionalized CdSe quantum dots were synthesized by colloidal chemical method. The conductive polymer MDMO-PPV was synthesized from 1-methoxyl-4-(3,7dimethyl-octanoxyl)benzene and [...]
Journal: TechConnect Briefs
Volume: 3, Technical Proceedings of the 2004 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show, Volume 3
Published: March 7, 2004
Industry sectors: Advanced Materials & Manufacturing | Sensors, MEMS, Electronics
Topic: Photonic Materials & Devices
ISBN: 0-9728422-9-2