Topic: Sensors - Chemical, Physical & Bio
Mobility Effects on WCDMA Receivers in Indoor Areas
This Paper presents important results in analysing the effects of mobility on WCDMA receivers. It takes a completly different apprach in translating the effects of mobility on WCDMA receivers. The mobility here is translated to [...]
Digital signal processing post-hybridization of DNA Biosensor
The non-label DNA biosensor detects hybridization due to enhanced biomolecules surface-binding specifically on glass or plastic platform, now broadly extended to active surface such as field-effect transistors with scalability of the platform gate. The latter [...]
Modelling of Low Level Ionic Current Sensing Micro-tip
The authors of this paper are developing an appropriate micro/nano array sensors that is capable of sensing ionic currents in sweat fluid secreted from sweat pores on the finger ridges. In this paper we present [...]
Simple vertical velocity measurement system for different use
The measurement of vertical velocity is necessary for different use. The solutions are based on principle of evaluating the change of an atmospheric pressure. The dependence which evaluates the vertical velocity is derived from the [...]
Wireless SensorSystem with Bidirectional Communications
The system contains units: wireless, control, actuator, software equipment. RF wireless unit ensures wireless communication between control unit and sensors as well as wireless switch unit. The control unit controls system operation, i.e. communication transfer, [...]
Innovative Gas Sensors for Sub-ppm Detection of Organophosphorus Nerve Agents by Chemically Functionalized Carbon Nanotube Field-Effect Transistors
In this communication, we will present innovative sensors based on carbon nanotube field-effect transistors (CNT-FET) for detection of organophosphorus agents (OP, Sarin-like molecules). We have functionalized CNT with organic moieties reactive towards OPs that form [...]
Water Soluble Peroxyoamid Reagent: Evalulation for Fluorescent Silica Nano-Particles Chemilumineacence
Rastogi S.K., Fianaloski B., Mishra N.N., Cameron E., Bitterwolf T.E., Branen A.L., Maki W.C., University of Idaho, US
Chemiluminescence methods, both enzymatic and non-enzymatic, are widely used as an analytical tool in various bio-molecular detection applications. Advantages of using chemiluminscence detection are its practical simplicity, relatively low back ground interference, high sensitivity compared [...]