Topic: Modeling & Simulation of Microsystems
Numerical Simulations of Flat-Walled Diffuser Elements for Valveless Micropumps
The flow directing capability of micromachined flat-walled diffuser elements for valve-less micropumps have been investigated. The diffuser element is a small angle flow channel with a rounded inlet and a preferably sharp outlet. The diverging-wall [...]
The Valveless Diffuser Pump-A Numerical Design Study Using MATLAB
Olsson A., Stemme E., Stemme G., Stemme E., Stemme G., Department of Signals, Sensors and Systems, SE
A lumped-mass model is used to improve the design of the valveless diffuser pump. The model is implemented using MATLAB and tested for different previously reported pumps. The flow-pressure characteristics are predicted for different excitation [...]
Characterization of DNA Flow through Microchannels
Advances in silicon fabrication technology enable the reproduction of laboratory apparatus, and theoretically biochemical processes, on a microscale. The implementation of this technology, however, necessitates additional study as fluid dynamics change at this scale and, [...]
Simulation of Micro-Channel Heat Sinks for Optoelectronic Microsystems
Kreutz E.W., Pirch N., Ebert T., Wester R., Ollier B., Loosen P., Poprawe R., Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen, DE
Water-cooled heat sinks are investigated both experimentally and theoretically as model systems to simulate the energy and mass transport in devices used for cooling of diode lasers. The design of the micro-channel heat sinks yields [...]
Coupled Fluid-Thermal-Structural Simulations in Microvalves and Microchannels
This paper presents the results of high-fidelity, 3-D simulations of coupled flow, heat-transfer and structural mechanics simulations of microchannels, micropumps, microvalves, and time-accurate simulations of a microoscillator. In each of these cases, the simulated results [...]
Non-Isothermal Gas Flow Through Rectangular Microchannels
The mass flow rate of a rarefied gas through a long rectangular channel caused by both pressure and temperature differences has been calculated applying the S model kinetic equation. The calculations have been carried out [...]
Numerical Simulation of Boiling in a Porous Medium by Using Two-Phase Approach
The paper presents the results of a numerical study of heat and mass exchanges inside a porous matrix. The porous medium is in contact with a solid surface heated over boiling point and steeped in [...]
Hydrodynamic Dispersion of a Neutral Non-Reacting Solute in Electroosmotic Flows
To investigate hydrodynamic dispersion in electroosmotic ?ow, we have derived an asymptotic series solution for the problem of two-dimensional species transport in a tube or channel. This solution is applicable to the late-time diÆusive and [...]
Microvalve Analysis: Wall Shear and Diffuser Effects
This work deals with the analysis of silicon passive microvalves. The analysed microvalves consist of a circular central mass suspended by two flexible beams anchored on a pyrex substrate. The mechanical and fluidic analysis are [...]