Analytical Simulation of a 1D Single Crystal Silicon Electrostatic Micromirror

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This paper is devoted to the study of the static and dynamic behavior of a 1D torsion single crystal silicon micro mirror. Our aim is to develop a parametric model allowing the use of single calculation software in order to avoid heavy Finite Element Method simulations. The mechanical part was also validated owing to FEM simulations with ANSYS. The most common electrodes are planar ones. We have developed a model of both planar and inclined electrodes micro mirror. MATLAB is used to simulate the steady-state response, the dynamic tilting response to a step load excitation and the frequency response. Global simulation under SABER was carried out in order to compare the micro mirror simulation with experiment.

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Journal: TechConnect Briefs
Volume: Technical Proceedings of the 1999 International Conference on Modeling and Simulation of Microsystems
Published: April 19, 1999
Pages: 628 - 631
Industry sector: Sensors, MEMS, Electronics
Topics: Chemical, Physical & Bio-Sensors, MEMS & NEMS Devices, Modeling & Applications
ISBN: 0-9666135-4-6