Topic: Modeling & Simulation of Microsystems
Optimal Design of a MEMS Relay Switch
We describe a novel methodology for predicting optimal designs for microelectromechanical devices. The methods are applied towards the optimization of component shapes of a bistable MEMS switch. Small modifications in component shapes lead to a [...]
Thermal and Load-Deflection FE Analyses of Parylene Diaphragms
In this study, the finite-element method(FEM) is employed in order to analyze the mechanical behavior of parylene diaphragm. Thermal and load-deflection FE analyses of flat and corrugated parylene diaphragm are performed to find an effect [...]
An Efficient Numerical Algorithm for Extracting Pull-In Hyper-Surfaces of Electrostatic Actuators with Multiple Uncoupled Electrodes
In this work the stability of electrostatic actuators with multiple uncoupled voltage sources applied to separate isolated excitation electrodes is analyzed. These electrodes are used to drive a continuous deformable element. A novel computational strategy [...]
Actuation for Probe-Based Mass Data Storage
This paper describes the development of a micro media actuator (MMA) for probe-based mass data storage. The process is based on dry etching and incorporates a thinned silicon media sled to increase the frequency response [...]
Capillary Forces in Micro-Fluidic Self-Assembly
Greiner A., Lienemann J., Korvink J.G., Xiong X., Hanein Y., Böhringer K.F., IMTEK, Albert Ludwig University, DE
Parallel self-assembly in the fluidic phase is a promising alternative technique to conventional pick-and-place assembly. In this work the hydrophobic-hydrophilic material system between binding sites for microparts is simulated with respect to alignment precision. The [...]
Optimization of a Micro Actuator Plate Using an Evolutionary Algorithm and Simulation Based on Discrete Element Methods
Within the framework of the OMID joint project (1999 - 2002) funded by the BMBF, a universal, fluidically driven actuator plate is being developed in cooperation with the project partners of Bartels Mikrotechnik GmbH and [...]
Time-Domain Reduced-Order Models of Lateral Viscous Damping Effects for 3-D Geometries
A methodology of generating time-domain reduced-order models of viscous lateral damping effects for microsystems is presented. A three-dimensional finite-difference-method (FDM) Stokes flow solver was developed and verified. The system matrices generate by the solver were [...]
Simulation of Manufacturing Variations in a Z-axis CMOS-MEMS Gyroscope
This paper uses MEMS circuit-level simulation to correlate gyro performance measures such as zero rate output (ZRO), linear acceleration sensitivity (Sa) and cross-axis sensitivity (Sca) to geometrical asymmetries. Elastic and electrostatic asymmetries in the gyroscope [...]