Investigation of the Electronic Properties of the ZrO2 and HfO2 Thin Films by Scanning Probe Microscopy and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy

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The advantages of the combined AFM/STM technique for investigating the dielectric properties of ultrathin MeOx layers with high spatial resolution is shown. Particularly, MO2/Si (M=Hf, Zr) interface evolution upon heat treatments is explored. It is [...]

Characterization of Aluminum Nitride Nanostructures by XANES and FTIR Spectroscopies with Synchrotron Radiation

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We investigated nano-systems of AlN synthesized by DC arc-plasma-induced melting of aluminum in a nitrogen–argon ambient. Actually, the reaction of molten Al with N2 gas yields on a water-cooled surface a mixture of both nanowires [...]

Conductive Carbon-Nanotube/Polymer Composites: Spectroscopic Monitoring of the Exfoliation Process in Water and the Crucial Role of Wetting

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For the preparation of conductive polystyrene/SWNT nanocomposites, a recently developed, versatile, latex-based technology is applied. A low molar mass PS fraction, probably acting as a wetting agent for the SWNTs, seems to be required for [...]