Sector: Sensors, MEMS, Electronics
State of the Art and Trends in Power Integration
A review of some approaches currently used to integrate power electronic functions is presented. In the field of power electronic, semiconductor devices are used in energy control and conversion circuits. The power function (switching or [...]
The Art of Modeling Coupled-Field Effects in Microdevices and Microsystems
The rapid progress in microsystems technology is increasingly supported by MEMS-specific modeling methodologies and dedicated simulation tools. These do not only allow the visualization of fabrication processes and operational principles, but they also assist the [...]
Virtual Component Qualification
One of the most time consuming activities in new product development is associated with reliability assessment and qualification. This is defined as a process to verify whether the anticipated reliability is indeed achieved under actual [...]
Living in an Expanding TCAD Space
A substantial number of important industrial modeling and simulation problems lie outside of the scope of commercial TCAD (Technology Computer-Aided Design) software.The tools needed to solve such problems include a good PDE (Partial Differential Equation) [...]
Fast Algorithms For 3-D Simulation
One difficulty associated with computer simulation of micromachined devices is that the devices are typically geometrically complicated and innately three-dimensional. For this reason, attempts to exploit existing finite-element based tools for micromachined device simulation has [...]
High Performance Magnetic Field Smart Sensor Arrays with Source Separation
A new approach to design high performance microsystems is proposed. It is based on the association between a low-cost sensor array and a multidimensional signal processing technique: the so-called 'blind source separation'. In order to [...]
Analytical Study of Vertical Hall (VH)-Devices Using an Adapted Conform Mapping Technique
We adapt the conforrn mapping technique to the analytical calculation of two dimensional vertical Hall (VH)-devices with five electrical contacts. With our new method the finite size of the two output current electrodes is taken [...]
Semianalytic Modelling of a Magnetic Levitated Disk with Nonuniform Polarization
A magnetic bearing for a high rotating electromagnetic drived disk with regard to future applications like the Laser-TV is modelled and designed. For modelling of the system consisting of permanent magnets and copper coils a [...]