Tailoring Particle Behavior for Phase Transfer Catalysis: Recent Developments by the Center for Interfacial Reaction Engineering

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This presentation highlights recent advances by the Center for Interfacial Reaction Engineering (CIRE) in designing and tailoring catalytic particles for use in phase-transfer catalysis. CIRE consists of researchers across several disciplines including nanotechnology, thermodynamics, interfacial [...]

Biomimetic Nanoreactors via in situ Synthesis of Atomically-Thin Gold Sheets and Platinum Nanoclusters

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We present the synthesis and activity of broadly stable polymer-metal nanoreactors capable of confinement-enhanced catalysis. Poly(styrene-alt-maleic acid), SMA, is known to self-assemble in water into highly organized supramolecular nanostructures containing confined polar and non-polar reaction [...]