Advanced Materials


Ceramic sintering and properties characterization based on solid mechanics

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Ceramic processing can be tedious and time-consuming. Several techniques have been developed to face these complex processing. One of the most popular techniques relies on different approaches for Design of Experiments and/or statistical process control. [...]

Experimental Determination of Carbon Capture and Sequestration Response to Reservoir Quantities

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Reservoir entities can be classified into geological, geometrical and fluidic. To complicate matters, reservoirs are usually set in geological layers, such that each layer interacts with injected and resident fluids differently. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is [...]

Journal: TechConnect Briefs
Volume: TechConnect Briefs 2022
Published: June 13, 2022
Industry sector: Advanced Materials & Manufacturing
Topics: Advanced Materials for Engineering Applications, Materials Characterization & Imaging
ISBN: 979-8-218-00238-1