Sector: Sensors, MEMS, Electronics
Dispersive Media in FDTD-Comparison of Recursive Convolution and Auxiliary Differential Equation Methods
A new, efficient algorithm for modelling dispersive media in Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) methods is presented. It is based on the Auxiliary Differential Equation (ADE) formulation. Accuracy and efficiency are compared to other ADE [...]
A 3D Mesh Generation Method for the Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices
We present an extended quadtree-octree mesh generation method which is well suited for semiconductor process and device simulation. The method can handle complicated geometries and moving boundaries. In order to describe boundaries and trace boundary [...]
MEMS Design Optimization Using Coupled FEM and Electrical Circuit Simulation
The FEM (Finite Element Method) package ANSYS includin`, the CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) module FLOTRAN was coupled with the electrical network simulator HSPICE for the comprehensive design of microsystems. The coupling permits the simultaneous optimization [...]
Coupled Electro-Mechanical Simulation of Integrated Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems
Micro-electro-mechanical systems equipped with active devices (iMEMS) are commonly employed in sensor applications. In this paper, simulation of the mechanical and electrical properties of a deformable structure containing an integrated MOS sensor is described.
Coupling of FEM Programs for Simulation of Complex Systems
A method is presented which couples single task FEM programs, mesh generators and other utility programs to solve complex systems. By this method we are connecting the FEM programs with special Script Interpreter programs and [...]
Implications of Finite Time Stepping for Transient Sensor Models
Modeling of sensor devices has to take into account not only variable voltaves and currents but also variable device parameters. This makes transient differentiation and integration more complex than for circuits with constant device characteristics. [...]
Nodal Analysis for MEMS Design Using SUGAR v0.5
This paper presents the development of a simulation program (SUGAR) for planar MEMS devices. The approach is based on nodal analysis to solve coupled nonlinear differential equations. The current version SUGAR vO.5 can perform DC, [...]
A Mixed Rigid/Elastic Formulation for an Efficient Analysis of Electromechanical Systems
In this paper we describe both how to extract rigid bodies given an input file of elements, and how to efficiently construct and solve the rigid-elastic system of equations. Results are given to demonstrate that [...]
Energy-Based Solution Method for the Global Behavior of Diaphragms Under Pneumatic and Electrostatic Pressure
In this paper, an approximate analytical solution is presented for the diaphragm's deflection based on energ minimization. through the use of a polynomial solution technique. Thanks to this method. we obtain not onlY the center [...]