Enhanced Photocurrent in Transparent Lead Zirconate-Titanate Thin Film Capacitors Under Sun Light Illumination

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A report will be presented on research focused on developing transparent Pb(ZrxTi1-xO3) (PZT)–based capacitor for photovoltaic device applications. The transparent PZT-based capacitors exhibit high photocurrents when exposed to Xenon (Xe) light that has wavelengths from visible to infrared (i.e. 200-2000 nm), stimulating sunlight. Ferroelectric thin film-based structures PZT/LNO (LaNiO3)/ITO (InO2 90% and SnO2 10%)] (Fig. 1) produced on glass substrates exhibits 59% transmittance (Fig. 2), while a PZT/ITO capacitor grown on the same glass structure exhibits 69% transmittance, both within the visible light range. The broad bandwidth-efficient transmission of light through the in the transparent PZT-based structures, provides the basis for potentially efficient ferroelectric-based photovoltaic devices. Preliminary measurements of photocurrents in the transparent PZT capacitors showed enhanced photovoltaic properties under Xe light illumination. The current voltage (I-V) curve showed four orders of magnitude increase in photocurrent, with respect to a virgin capacitor upon sunlight illumination. The increase in photocurrent as a function of applied voltage for the transparent PZT capacitors upon sunlight illumination can be interpreted in terms of defects and associated electron excitation in the PZT layer, combined with rapid separation of electron-hole pairs created by the sunlight photons.

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Journal: TechConnect Briefs
Volume: Technical Proceedings of the 2008 Clean Technology Conference and Trade Show
Published: June 1, 2008
Pages: 105 - 108
Industry sector: Energy & Sustainability
Topic: Solar Technologies
ISBN: 1-4200-8502-0