Promoting Technology Transfer Of A Pumpless Solar Thermal Air Heater (Patent Number 10775058) Innovation Using The Customer Discovery Method In A Historically Black College And University (HBCU)

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Prior research details the large gap that exists in the technologicaltransferofinnovationbetween HBCUs and non-HBCUs.ThisiscompoundedbyHBCUsbeingunder- resourced and having a reduced focus on research and innovation.Severalfederalandprivateorganizations are fundingHBCUinnovatorsaimedattransformingtheminto revenue-generatingentrepreneurs.Oneof such federally funded programs, the NSF-CREST Center for [...]

Novel Graphene Supercapacitor Structure Design for UAV Power Storage

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Supercapacitors are getting significant attention in recent years due to their quick charge/discharge capabilities, long cycle lives and are environmentally friendly. Supercapacitors can provide necessary power in short bursts. Aiming to reduce the weight and [...]