SUSTAINABLE steel production for the 2030s and beyond: the vision of the European Steel Technology Platform’s Strategic Research Agenda

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Steel is ubiquitous, even if it often remains invisible underneath decorative, protective or functional layers of other materials. This paper presents the European Steel Technology Platform (ESTEP) Strategic Research Agenda’s vision of how to manage this cooperation, so that it takes place as smoothly as possible, and the challenges that the sector faces in terms of R&I in relation to SUSTAINABLE steel production (WG planet). It is thus a foresight study exercise presented as a technological roadmap. The focus of the Planet Group is on reducing the environmental footprint of steel production and steel solutions by reducing resource consumption, fostering the use of secondary raw materials (recycling & reuse) and thus accelerating the move towards a more closed-loop economy (secondary vs. primary raw materials), implementing energy efficiency by conserving exergy, implementing process integration and implementing ecodesign approaches. It also means reducing emissions and addressing climate change with ambitious targets or fighting the reducing of biodiversity by internalizing the value of ecosystem services.

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Journal: TechConnect Briefs
Volume: Technical Proceedings of the 2014 Clean Technology Conference and Trade Show
Published: June 15, 2014
Pages: 324 - 327
Industry sectors: Advanced Materials & Manufacturing | Energy & Sustainability
Topic: Sustainable Materials
ISBN: 978-1-4822-5819-6