Next Gen Large Area Lighting: HIDs, Robotics and Energy Efficiency


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Lumetric has reinvented lighting for large areas, combining advanced energy control features with high output lamps to create the brightest, most energy-efficient lighting solution, generations ahead of the alternatives. Simple to install and easy to upgrade, Lumetric’s SmartPOD plug-and-play units provide dramatic energy savings out of the box. Networked together and ultimately connected to the Smart Grid, Lumetric’s win-win solution offers 90% energy savings over legacy lighting systems while improving light quality and brightness, something LEDs and fluorescents will never achieve in high bay applications, despite ambitious claims. Incubated in Oakridge National Labs as a collaboration of motion control and robotic software scientists and inventors, the Lumetric SmartPOD controls any HID lamp with continual, linear dimming, daylight harvesters and motion detectors, among others. Succeeding where others failed, Lumetric invented a solid-state direct drive system capable of controlling with unprecedented accuracy the light arc generated within the plasma field of the bulb, so that large areas can continue to be lit with the brightest, highest quality, light – most similar to the sun — preferred by occupants of large areas for 150 years. The SmartPOD was also built with the Smart Grid in mind, offering future-ready demand response capabilities.

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Journal: TechConnect Briefs
Volume: Technical Proceedings of the 2011 Clean Technology Conference and Trade Show
Published: June 13, 2011
Pages: 377 - 378
Industry sectors: Advanced Materials & Manufacturing | Energy & Sustainability
Topics: Materials for Sustainable Building, Sustainable Materials
ISBN: 978-1-4398-8189-7