Multiplexed immunoassays by flow cytometry for detection of Clenbuterol, Chloramphenicol and sulfadimidine with high sensitivity and selectivity

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An accurate, rapid and cost-effective detection on the environmental hazardous chemicals is the cornerstone of efficient food safe management. Hereby we discuss the relevance of an emerging technology, multiplexed competitive immunoassays read by flow cytometry, for the detection of Clenbuterol, Chloramphenicol and sulfadimidine. In these assays, multiple fluorescent microspheres, conjugated to different test antigens, constitute the solid phase for detecting antigens in biological samples. These assays are more sensitive than traditional immunoassays , have a high throughput capacity provide a wide analytical dynamic range and are powerful tools for exposure analysis and assessment offering low-cost screening with minimal sample pretreatment requirements combined and served a better alternative for the instrumental detection on the derivatives of those metabolites that often require expensive instrumentation,. Additionally, they have multiplexing ability—i. e, they are capable of measuring multiple antibodies or antigens simultaneously. We predict a widespread use for a new breed of small, affordable, practical flow cytometers as field instruments for replacing conventional ELISA and sophisticated GC or HPLC analysis.

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Journal: TechConnect Briefs
Volume: Technical Proceedings of the 2007 Clean Technology Conference and Trade Show
Published: May 20, 2007
Pages: 304 - 307
Industry sectors: Energy & Sustainability | Sensors, MEMS, Electronics
Topic: Sensors - Chemical, Physical & Bio
ISBN: 1-4200-6382-0