Information-Theoretic Estimates of Classical and Quantum Communication and Processing at Nanoscale


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Nanotechnology resulted in new communication and processing paradigms. While conventional communication, computing and processing are supported by nanoscaled digital systems, quantum-centric computing, communication and processing are emerged. This paper reports fundamental, applied and experimental multidisciplinary findings in information technologies, computer science and quantum optoelectronics as applied to sensing, communication and processing. We contribute to consistent, cohesive and coherent premises of quantum-classical and quantum information theory. Our results and findings enable practical technological solutions as applied towards new sensing paradigms, communication platforms and processing schemes. We enable areas of a critical importance and significance, such as, quantum processing, image processing, biotechnology, neurophotonics, etc.

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Journal: TechConnect Briefs
Volume: 3, Nanotechnology 2014: Electronics, Manufacturing, Environment, Energy & Water
Published: June 15, 2014
Pages: 25 - 28
Industry sectors: Advanced Materials & Manufacturing | Sensors, MEMS, Electronics
Topics: Nanoelectronics, Printed & Flexible Electronics
ISBN: 978-1-4822-5830-1