Inert, Corrosion Resistant CVD Coating for Oil and Gas Service

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Estimates of the cost of corrosion within US industries often exceed $150 billion. Challenges within the often complicated production techniques of the oil and gas industry have led to increased efforts to control these costs. Corrosion management programs often include the use of super-alloys and protective coating technologies to reach the most economical solution. With additional requirements of enhanced wear resistance or chemical sampling inertness, finding the perfect solution can be even more daunting. Protective coatings are becoming more and more advanced and beginning to find a larger role in managing corrosion within the oil and gas industry. The silicon-oxygen-carbon coating discussed in this work is one such advanced coating. The coating offers high resistance to acidic corrosion, good lubricity and wear resistance, as well as ppm H2S sampling recovery. The coating technology utilizes chemical vapor deposition instead of traditional ‘spray’ or ‘painting’ application techniques. CVD coatings offer conformal, three-dimensional with outstanding adhesion in contrast to other techniques.

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Journal: TechConnect Briefs
Volume: 2, Materials for Energy, Efficiency and Sustainability: TechConnect Briefs 2015
Published: June 14, 2015
Pages: 156 - 159
Industry sectors: Advanced Materials & Manufacturing | Energy & Sustainability
Topic: Materials for Oil & Gas
ISBN: 978-1-4987-4728-8