An Effective Mobility Model for Tunneling Double-Gate MOSFET (T-FinFET)

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We have derived an analytical model for the effective field (Eeff) model of undoped Ultra-Thin Body (UTB) Double Gate (DG) SOI Tunneling MOSFETs ( T-FinFET) from the solution of the Poisson’s equation in this paper . The Eeff is directly linked to the carrier mobility in the strong inversion and can be used to predict the bias dependence of the effective mobility (eff). Extensive simulations show that the Eeff model is not influenced by the quantum effect besides which indicates that its influence is limited to the constant zero-field mobility (o) and independent of bias. The model predicts that for the same amount of inversion charge, a symmetric DG (SDG) MOSFET has higher eff than UTB or asymmetric DG (ADG) MOSFET especially at high gate bias or strong turn-on.

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Journal: TechConnect Briefs
Volume: 4, Informatics, Electronics and Microsystems: TechConnect Briefs 2018
Published: May 13, 2018
Pages: 169 - 172
Industry sector: Sensors, MEMS, Electronics
Topic: MEMS & NEMS Devices, Modeling & Applications
ISBN: 978-0-9988782-1-8