The European ‘Multifunctional Integrated Devices’ Network of Excellence is taking piezoelectric technologies into the industrial mainstream. It has successfully created the European Institute of Piezoelectric Materials and Devices with a founding membership of multidisciplinary researchers [...]
Nanotechnology is a discipline that will require scientists to draw upon many disciplines in order to develop it to its full potential. It will also require significant public engagement to debate and decide on nanotechnology’s [...]
Nanotechnology is having significant impact on the workforce and skill needs of companies. In order for firms to fully realize the potential of new technologies, firms must have a supply of workers with the skills [...]
An essential goal of education in nanotechnology is an understanding of scale and metrology, of instrumentation and fundamental physics. Easy to use and affordable instrumentation is indispensable in reaching this goal. Nanosurf offers both STM [...]
How will nanotechnology affect the way we design, make, and inhabit buildings? In the NanoSTUDIO, interdisciplinary groups of students from Ball State University’s Department of Architecture and the Illinois Institute of Technology’s Interprofessional Projects Program [...]
Individuals, businesses, and governments evaluate nanotechnology on a spectrum from laissez faire to the precautionary principle, often without sufficient understanding of what nanotechnology is, how it works, how it is changing, or what its costs [...]
Nanopolis is a distributed knowledge network aiming at transposing today’s knowledge on matter exploration at the atomic scale into a virtual representation space. The project is focused on mitigating the impact of some of the [...]