230 fold fluorescence enhancement by 3D Rhodamine B coated polystyrene photonic crystals
We report a 230-fold fluorescence enhancement with fluorescent polystyrene based three-dimensional (3D) colloidal photonic crystals (F-CPhCs) that can be readily fabricated over large areas. A simple and reproducible method was developed to synthesise novel fluorescent [...]
Effective Multistep Exciton Delivery Through DNA-based Photonic Wires
Spillmann C.M., Buckhout-White S., Ancona M.G., Cunningham P.D., Melinger J.S., Goldman E.R., Medintz I.L., Naval Research Laboratory, US
Energy manipulation at the nanoscale is a key requirement to develop next-generation nanotechnologies ranging from biosensing to light harvesting, yet the design rules of these nanoscale systems must first be optimized to accomplish their intended [...]
Plasmonic Structural Colors For Plastic Consumer Products
Højlund-Nielsen E., Clausen J., Thamdrup L.H., Zalkovskij M., Højlund-Nielsen E., Nielsen T., Mäkelä T., Ahopelto J., Mortensen N.A., Kristensen A., Technical University of Denmark, DK
Today colorants, such as pigments or dyes, are used to color plastic-based consumer products, either as base for solid colored bulk polymer or in inks for surface decoration. After usage, the products must be mechanically [...]
Highly Tunable Surface Plasmons Resonance Using Metal/metal Oxide Hybrid Nanostructures
Metal and metal oxide electrodes play a significant role in many cutting edge applications including photonics, membranes, biological supports, sensing, electrochromics, and in various green technologies, such as, photocatalytics, Li-ion batteries and photovoltaics. There is [...]
Energy Efficient Transmission Scheme Alternative to M-PAM for Short Range Data Communication
Mapping Multiplexing Technique was reported for the first time in [(patent No: PI201270063)] as an alternative modulation and multiplexing technique for high-speed optical fiber communication systems. In this letter two, three, and four-channel Mapping Multiplexing [...]
Fabrication and Characterization of On-Chip Integrated Silicon Photonic Bragg Grating and Photonic Crystal Cavity Thermometers
Klimov N.N., Purdy T., Ahmed Z., National Institute of Standards and Technology / University of Maryland, US
Though today’s resistance thermometers can routinely measure temperatures with uncertainties of 10 mK, they are sensitive to environmental variables such mechanical shock and humidity, which cause the sensor resistance to drift over time requiring expensive, [...]
Wafer-scale photonic and plasmonic crystal sensors
George M.C., Liu J.-N., Farhang A., Williamson B., Black M., Wangensteen T., Fraser J., Petrova R., Cunningham B.T., Moxtek, US
This presentation will review recent results in 200 mm diameter wafer-scale fabrication, metrology, and optical modeling of various photonic and plasmonic crystal sensors, including 1D photonic crystals based on leaky-waveguide mode resonance, as well as [...]
Structural and Luminescent properties of Europium benzene-1,3,5-tricarboxylate
Alejandre-Zuniga B.Y., Loera-Serna S., Medina-Velazquez D.Y., Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana-Azcapotzalco, MX
The increasing demand of optoelectronic devices requires the development of luminescent materials with high luminescence quantum efficiency and reduced energy consumption, to this organic matrix materials doped with rare earths offer an great alternative. The [...]
Glass-Ceramic Scintillators for High-Resolution Medical Imaging
Screens made from micron-sized phosphor particles (such as Gd2O2S:Tb) are efficient and bright X-ray converters used in medical imaging systems. However, the large size of the phosphor particles causes the screen to be opaque and, [...]
The effects of confining cup-like and hill-like parabolic electric potentials on the photoionization cross section in a spheroidal quantum dot
A theoretical investigation of the effects of the hill-like and the cup-like parabolic electric confining potentials on the photoionization cross section (PCS) in a spheroidal quantum dot are presented. The cup-like parabolic potential intensifies, the [...]
Effect of circular dichroism in chiral photonic crystal liquid with enclosed defect layer inside
The photonic crystals of artificial and self-organizing structures with spatial periodic changes in dielectric and magnetic properties have attracted considerable interest recently due to unusual physical properties and wide practical applications. The chiral periodic structure [...]
Journal: TechConnect Briefs
Volume: 4, Advanced Manufacturing, Electronics and Microsystems: TechConnect Briefs 2015
Published: June 14, 2015
Industry sectors: Advanced Materials & Manufacturing | Sensors, MEMS, Electronics
Topic: Photonic Materials & Devices
ISBN: 978-1-4987-4730-1