Cellulose Nanocrystals as Barrier Performance Enhancer of Extrusion-Blown PLA Films for Food Applications
Bio-based plastics from sustainable resources such as biomass are the best alternative to petroleum-based polymers because they provide solutions for reducing the general dependency on oil availability and environmental concerns about the use of common [...]
L-Arabinose: A Novel Food Ingredient For A Healthier Living
ABSTRACT (max. 500 words) Introduction More than 35% of the American adult population, equal to 78.6 million people, is reported to be obese, and the US is amongst the top 3 countries in number of [...]
Post-Harvest Produce Preservation Using Deep Ultraviolet LED technology
With the ever-increasing human population within developing countries, limited availability and access to clean water, ever present climate change call for the coming of a second green revolution. An important component of this second green [...]
Fluorescent quantum dot as model imaging probe for studying plant uptake, systemic mobility, localization in plant tissue and potential fate of ultra-small nanoparticles
Semiconductor fluorescent quantum dots (Qdots) are popularly used as bioimaging taggants in live cell imaging and spectroscopy. In recent years, Qdots taggants are emerging in agricultural applications. Studies are primarily focused on nanotoxicity of ultra-small [...]
Comparative and synergistic studies of antibacterial effect of ZnO nanoparticles and antibiotics for Pathogens in Drinking Water
In the area of water purification, nanotechnology offers the possibility of an efficient removal of pollutants and germs (Dhermendra K. Tiwari et al., 2008). Zinc oxide nanoparticles are known to be one of the multifunctional [...]
Contributions of the main flour constituents to dough rheology, and resulting implications for dough quality and its assessment
Although bread making has been practised for millennia, the fundamental understanding of the relations between dough microstructure and dough behavior/rheology is surprisingly limited. The complex dough matrix consists of a hydrated gluten network that is [...]
Journal: TechConnect Briefs
Volume: 3, Biotech, Biomaterials and Biomedical: TechConnect Briefs 2016
Published: May 22, 2016
Industry sectors: Advanced Materials & Manufacturing | Personal & Home Care, Food & Agriculture
Topic: Personal & Home Care, Food & Agriculture
ISBN: 978-0-9975-1172-7