Renewable Integration Technologies into Military microgrids


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There is a continuing need for tools to integrate new control systems into the evolving FOB microgrids, including those integrating renewable sources and new schemes for reducing fuel requirements. Thus, these models ultimately need to be verified and trued up using data from instrumentation. The models must be robust to assumptions in regards to the conductor types and sizes as well as generator characteristics. We need new tools to consider the transition of FOB systems from local grid operation to microgrid operation and back. Lastly, the scheme for controlling frequency of the microgrid when not connected to the local grid system is not well developed. The system must be able to integrate the many tools that are under development and validate with appropriate demonstrations that would yield immediate benefits. The COP vision is to monitor in real time the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems, SLI will update its design of a transformation version of VERDE (DoD VERDE), so that the DoD can use the ingest engine to gather the system status and external threat data and parse it into different analytics and display threats to the physical infrastructure in real time. This prototype will include behavioral models as well as physical models to extend the COP into cyber battle space. The SLI technical objective is to give DOD/U.S. Army leadership a view of the cyber battle space within the physical layer to support decision-making and efficient energy management. In 2014, SLI provided US Army NETCOM foundational documentation for VERDE and COP. A legacy version of VERDE was installed at the Army Cyber Operation Integration Center (ACOIC) and placed into beneficial use. In addition new features and modifications were suggested making this system deployable Enterprise wide. Output layers from VERDE analysis and modeling components were integrated through the DAGGER tool to trigger the other tools within the Army Cyber Analytics Laboratory to the other Constellation tools. In the new prototype, SLI will re-design and test this system and provide for Enterprise –wide accreditation and deployment. SLI will also deploy SLI’s existing COP capability on the DOD’s operational network for a pilot demonstration. As necessary, SLI will provide available additional analytics or visualizations that will further strengthen DOD/U.S. Army’s ability to see, block, and maneuver cyber threats based on operation center specific requirements without sacrificing management of dispatched power.

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Journal: TechConnect Briefs
Volume: 2, Materials for Energy, Efficiency and Sustainability: TechConnect Briefs 2016
Published: May 22, 2016
Pages: 35 - 38
Industry sectors: Advanced Materials & Manufacturing | Energy & Sustainability
Topic: Solar Technologies
ISBN: 978-0-9975-1171-0