Vitamins C and B1: Amorphization, Crystallization, and Vitamin Degradation

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Crystalline ingredient forms of water soluble essential vitamins C and B1 may dissolve or melt during food production, and then re-solidify in crystalline or amorphous forms. This study compared the phase transformations, amorphization, and chemical degradation of vitamins C and B1 in solid dispersions with polymers. Solutions containing controlled vitamin:polymer ratios were lyophilized and stored in controlled temperature and relative humidity environments. While different polymers resulted in different amorphization properties, Tgs, moisture sorption profiles, and vitamin degradation rates, the key findings from this study were: 1) vitamins were more labile when amorphous than when crystalline; 2) lower vitamin proportions in amorphous dispersions resulted in more degradation, thus most degradation was found in the dispersions with the highest Tgs; and 3) intermolecular interactions and pH influenced vitamin physical and chemical stability in amorphous solid dispersions.

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Journal: TechConnect Briefs
Volume: TechConnect Briefs 2019
Published: June 17, 2019
Pages: 439 - 442
Industry sector: Personal & Home Care, Food & Agriculture
Topics: Personal & Home Care, Food & Agriculture, Sustainable Materials
ISBN: 978-0-9988782-8-7