Putatunda S.K.
Wayne State University, US
Keywords: figure of merit, Seebeck coefficient, thermoelectric material
Abstract: Thermoelectric properties of Nano structured Fe-Al Alloys. Susil k Putatunda and Shashank Nellikuppam. Wayne State University, Thermoelectric materials have emerged as very important engineering materials in recent years because of their ability to convert heat into electricity. In our present day society an enormous amount of heat is being wasted e.g.: Automotive and aircraft exhaust systems, Home and industrial heating etc. Even if a 10% of that heat could be recovered, it will significantly reduce the energy consumption and thus contribute to reduction of environmental pollution and greenhouse gases. Currently used thermoelectric materials are expensive, contain toxic elements and are harmful to environment. In this investigation, we have processed a new thermoelectric material based on powder metallurgy technique. Fe-Al powders with Multi walled Carbon nano tube (MWCNT) were compressed by hot iso static pressing and sintered. The thermoelectric properties of these Fe-Al alloys with different compositions of MWCNT were evaluated. The thermoelectric efficiency of a material is characterized by the dimension less quantity figure of merit (ZT). This figure of merit is determined by incorporating Electrical conductivity, Thermal conductivity and Seebeck coefficient. The current test results on our Fe-Al Alloy with reinforced MWCNT show that the figure of merit of these materials is comparable to the traditional thermoelectric materials. However, significant improvement in this properties is possible by innovative process.
Journal: TechConnect Briefs
Volume: 1, Advanced Materials: TechConnect Briefs 2016
Published: May 22, 2016
Pages: 192 - 196
Industry sector: Advanced Materials & Manufacturing
Topic: Advanced Materials for Engineering Applications
ISBN: 978-0-9975-1170-3