Organic PV Cells, Electricity Collected from Plant Photosynthesis – Feasibility and Demonstration


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BACKGROUNG&OBJECTIVES This project is to demonstrate and develop new potential source of natural energy (electricity) by photosynthesis, and directly from living plant. METHOD The electricity capacity will be evaluated based on various plants nature, and time for sunlight exposure, based on micro-electrophysiology patches “on plant”, A new genetic engineered plant, for high quality electricity current release, will be selectively tested and developed for best choice of growing line at in the field. RESULTS The principle of the breakthrough is a photosynthetic plant extract, incubated in the sunlight, in which a genetically improved electron transport chain (E-chain) linked into a semiconductor element via an electron carrier protein (E-protein) will transport sunlight-excited electrons to generate electricity. The input of the planned system is sunlight, soil and water, while its output is electric power. The by-products, oxygen and hydrogen, will be collected for industrial use, and discharged plant extracts will be transformed to a fertiliser for crop farming. Thus, CONCLUSION The project is characterised not only by its innovative technology, but also by its sustainability – completely free from any pollutants – and its circular economy. The scientific outcome of the project is a new concept and knowledge of solar energy conversion via the E-chain.

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Journal: TechConnect Briefs
Volume: 3, Nanotechnology 2009: Biofuels, Renewable Energy, Coatings, Fluidics and Compact Modeling
Published: May 3, 2009
Pages: 160 - 161
Industry sector: Energy & Sustainability
Topic: Solar Technologies
ISBN: 978-1-4398-1784-1