Nanostructured Acetylcholinesterase (ACHE) Memristor/Memcapacitor Mimicks Brachyhypopomus Electric Fish’s Signal-Cloaking Behavior


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The Brachyhypopomus Electric (BHE) fish is known for its signal-cloaking behavior that allows it to avoid predators by shifting its electroreceptive pulses from low frequency to less detectable high-frequency through a phase-delay “head-tail” Electric Organ Discharge (EOD) with an energy saving consumption. We report a Memristor/Memcapacitor that performs signal-cloaking, which mimics BHE’s behavior based on a self-assembled nanoisland structured biomimetic acetylcholinesterase (ACHE) gorge Membrane Electrode Assembling (MEA) with a gold electrode, another MEA has a “flat bridge”/nanopore membrane. The device has an asymmetric engineering design that allows electron nonlinear tunneling as Memcapacitor #1. Memcapacitor #2 was made of a mutated gorge of ACHE, which renders the device unable to perform signal-cloaking. We observed the memcapacitor #2 has a disturbed circular current with toroidal movement forming a non ferroelectromagnetic field with orders of magnitude enhancement of electric charge over various phases from 45 to 3150. By comparing the results of discharges at 25 and 1000 Hz, the “BHE” fish reduced the energy consumption by 14% and 33% by emitting “head-tail” “EOD” at 1 kHz, respectively. The specific volumetric capacitance reached 2,990.8F/cm3 during the first 35s discharge, that is an order of magnitude higher than reported ranges.

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Journal: TechConnect Briefs
Volume: 3, Nanotechnology 2014: Electronics, Manufacturing, Environment, Energy & Water
Published: June 15, 2014
Pages: 476 - 479
Industry sectors: Advanced Materials & Manufacturing | Energy & Sustainability
Topic: Energy Storage
ISBN: 978-1-4822-5830-1