Layered Oxide Polymer Nanocomposites: Synthesis, Characterization, and Strategies for Achieving Enhanced Barrier Property

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Our research goal is to enhance the gas barrier of polymer nanocomposites using exfoliated layered materials. We have synthesized various layered oxides, ranging from layered polysilicates to perovskites, and explored novel modification techniques. Polymer films were made containing the modified materias to examine physical properties. High molecular weight nanocomposites were also prepared for gas barrier studies. Models for predicting gas barrier were applied and actual gas barrier measurements, including novel methods, are in progress.

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Journal: TechConnect Briefs
Volume: 2, Technical Proceedings of the 2006 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show, Volume 2
Published: May 7, 2006
Pages: 845 - 848
Industry sectors: Advanced Materials & Manufacturing | Personal & Home Care, Food & Agriculture
Topics: Advanced Materials for Engineering Applications, Composite Materials
ISBN: 0-9767985-7-3