Industrial Application of Total Performance Oriented Retro-Commissioning

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Building commissioning has emerged as the preferred method of ensuring that building systems are installed and operated to provide the performance envisioned by the designer. However, Continuous Commissioning (CC) focuses on improving overall system control and operations for the building, as it is currently utilized, and on meeting existing facility needs. It goes beyond an operations and maintenance program. It does not only ensure that the systems function as originally designed, but also ensure that the building and systems operate optimally to meet the current requirements. Retro-commissioning is a systematic method for investigating how and why an existing building’s systems are operated and maintained the way they are, and identifying ways to improve overall building performance. Total Performance Oriented Retrofit (TPOR) is a process of combining CC with necessary innovative retrofit strategies in order to reduce total capital costs, payback of retrofits while producing state of the art facilities that operate at the maximum efficiency. TPOR focuses on introducing innovative retrofit technologies to maximize operational efficiency and minimize peak demand with reliable and state of the art equipments. This article consists of three case studies that demonstrate how some of the innovative technologies are utilized in commercial and industrial facilities to improve system reliability, IAQ, and reduce energy consumption significantly with measured results.

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Journal: TechConnect Briefs
Volume: Technical Proceedings of the 2008 Clean Technology Conference and Trade Show
Published: June 1, 2008
Pages: 209 - 212
Industry sectors: Advanced Materials & Manufacturing | Energy & Sustainability
Topics: Materials for Sustainable Building, Sustainable Materials
ISBN: 1-4200-8502-0