Impact of Biomass Based Distributed Generation on Electric Grid

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Advances in technology and the push for alternative clean energy systems have created a new paradigm in the last ten to fifteen years. Small generating units based on alternative clean energy connected near the loads on the distribution network are called Distributed Generations (DG). With the increasing use of DG’s in power system, it becomes necessary to study the impacts of connecting it to the grid. This research work aims at analyzing the steady state and transient impacts of biomass based DG on the electric grid. Transient analysis has been done to assess the impact of DG with the energy storage devices connected near the DG. Test system and energy storage model have been developed in MATLAB/ Simulink. Rotor speed deviation, oscillation duration, rotor angle and terminal voltage of the DG’s are taken as transient stability indicators. Research work presented here further relates to optimizing siting and sizing of biomass based DG to maximize the steady state voltage stability using mathematical approach. Voltage profiles of the system with DG and without DG have been compared. Stability index based on literature have been computed and compared for the systems with DG and without DG. Mathematical formulation has been done to maximize the voltage stability to find the best location and size of DG.

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Journal: TechConnect Briefs
Volume: Technical Proceedings of the 2008 Clean Technology Conference and Trade Show
Published: June 1, 2008
Pages: 222 - 225
Industry sector: Energy & Sustainability
Topic: Energy Storage
ISBN: 1-4200-8502-0