Design and Testing of a High-Efficiency Hydrokinetic Turbine

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There are numerous situations in which electrical power is required for remote locations not served by utilities or where existing electrical service is compromised. This paper addresses the feasibility of power extraction from local supplies of horizontally flowing water as the solution to this problem. The proposed system is based on a horizontally oriented version of a Savonius wind turbine. It features a simple, three-bladed design with optimized geometry that features very high efficiencies for energy production. Referred to in this paper as the Waterotor, the technology enables users to generate power from flowing water in a number of environments, from small streams to ocean currents. Advantages over existing systems include: • Operates over a range of flow speeds • Mobile, requires no bottom fixtures or foundation • High coefficient of power • Environmentally/marine-life friendly (no high speed spinning blades) • Cost effective (simple to build and fully scalable) The combined components and features for the Waterotor have been verified in wind tunnel and field tests for maximum energy extraction for a water flow speed range from 1 mph to over 10 mph The efficiency rating is about 30%.

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Journal: TechConnect Briefs
Volume: Technical Proceedings of the 2013 Clean Technology Conference and Trade Show
Published: May 12, 2013
Pages: 101 - 103
Industry sector: Energy & Sustainability
Topic: Sustainable Materials
ISBN: 978-1-4822-0594-7