Design and Fabrication of Hydroelectric Fuel Cell System for Household Power Application


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A hydroelectric fuel cell system is designed for stand-alone household generator to meet the need of home electricity behind national electrical network in Vietnam. The energy system utilizes water to generate H2 by the reduction agent contained in a replaceable cartridge. The subsystems are composed of PEM performance monitoring and control system to optimize the fuel/air supply and reactant condition parameters; for example, a heat and water vapor collector from the cathode reaction is equipped to enhance the PEM performance, electrochemically generated water can be used to control internal humidity required for proton transport. In addition, a DC/DC converter is complemented and a Litium-polimer battery charger was used to make the output useful for the system. For the low cost approach, the hydroelectric fuel cell system utilizes new proton transport material which comprised of “liquid” nano coal (LC) embedded in a polymer forming nano composite. The process of making PEM powder using “liquid” nano coal comprises of salt milling step which can increase the purity of the membrane by lowering the ionic species concentration. This kind of PEM powder is useful to form roll stock of the PEM for use in many applications. The combination of LC PEM and replaceable reducer cartridge can made the hydroelectric fuel cell system compact and low cost for use in household power generator, electric bicycle, electric motorcycle, car and power plant. This is a true clean tech which is designed to demonstrate an output power from 2000W up to 20,000W for mini power plant for house hold.

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Journal: TechConnect Briefs
Volume: Technical Proceedings of the 2011 Clean Technology Conference and Trade Show
Published: June 13, 2011
Pages: 179 - 180
Industry sector: Energy & Sustainability
Topic: Energy Storage
ISBN: 978-1-4398-8189-7