Comparative Analysis for Pseudoboehmite Obtainded by Sol Gel Using Green Chemistry Expert System Sofware

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Monohidróxide aluminum, known as pseudoboehmite (AlOOH) was obtained by the sol-gel method by the reaction between aluminum and isopropyl alcohol to produce aluminum isopropoxide using mercuric iodide and Iodine sublimed as catalyst. This work looks for establish the effect of the ageing time and the catalyst used in textural characteristics of the pseudoboehmite. The alkoxide was processed initially by the technique proposed by BE Yoldas [ 1, 2]. The reactants isopropyil alcohol and aluminium grade reactive produced by Merck, and the product were characterizated by thermogravimetry Analysis TGA (Netzch, model STA 409) , XRD (Rigaku, Miniflex model), surface area, pore volumen and pore size (Quantra Chrome, Autosorb-3B model). The temperature at which the reaction takes place was 80 º C [3]The results of area, pore size and volume were analyzed with the software Desing Expert, to determine the effect of the aeging time and catalyst used. In order to establish witch of the two catalyst used for the synthesis of aluminum alkoxide has a larger impact for the environment Green Chemistry Expert System Software was used. The catalyst I2 sublimated has less environmental impact than HgI2.

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Journal: TechConnect Briefs
Volume: Technical Proceedings of the 2011 Clean Technology Conference and Trade Show
Published: June 13, 2011
Pages: 331 - 333
Industry sectors: Advanced Materials & Manufacturing | Energy & Sustainability
Topic: Sustainable Materials
ISBN: 978-1-4398-8189-7