Bioinspired Miniaturization – Stretching Information from Coherence to Dissipation for Nano-to-Micro Integrated Intelligent Systems


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From previous results attained on the basis of thermodynamics, statistical physics and nanobiology it is shown that Artificial Intelligence (AI) concepts and their hard-wired implementations cannot satisfy the physical conditions for mimicking biological intelligence and its capabilities for learning, which actually is a self-organization process. Moreover, biosystems feature a structure-function solidarity, indistinguishability of hardware and software which, as shown, asks for integration of the microphysical and the macroscopic world, to be carried out going through the nanoscale (quantum/classical) physics. A highly nonlinear, far-from-equilibrium, dissipative hierarchical dynamics is shown to implement such conditions for a bioinspired miniaturization aiming at intelligence metaphors closer to biological intelligence than those attainable through AI. It is shown that the mathematical techniques of the emerging science of Quantum Holography (QH) can be applied to Nanotechnology through proper modeling of the nilpotent Heisenberg’s Lie group G of symmetry, which is shown to analyze and synthesize the convolution structure of the wavelets originating from a mother wave in the case of phase coherence under the action of Fourier transform. Such symmetry avoids quantum decoherence at the microlevel, so that a system behavior stretching microlevel quantum coherence information up to nano/macrolevel dissipation information can be attained. This nano-to-micro integration biomimetics, applied to nanophotonics, microoptics, MOEMS and BioMEMS is shown to realize the closed chain of sensing-information processing-actuating that embodies the biological structure-function solidarity and features no algorithmic instructions, but just learning; no net hardware-software distinction, but just a physical morphological solidarity. QH is also developed into a Generalized QH that applies to any kind of wave phenomenon, so opening the way to systems other than photonic.

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Journal: TechConnect Briefs
Volume: 1, Technical Proceedings of the 2005 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show, Volume 1
Published: May 8, 2005
Pages: 563 - 566
Industry sectors: Advanced Materials & Manufacturing | Medical & Biotech
Topics: Biomaterials, Informatics, Modeling & Simulation
ISBN: 0-9767985-0-6