Anodisation of Thin Film Aluminium

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Anodisation of alumina is a promising route for the preparation of nano-templates where regular arrays of pores can be produced in foils using a two step anodisation process [1] and Figure 1. The integration of anodised alumina into thin film technology could offers a route to production of nanoscale dervices. In this paper we investigation single step anodisation of thin aluminium films of 300nm thickness by studying the effects that temperature, voltage and concentration has on the anodisation process in oxalic, phosphoric and sulphuric electrolytes. We show the regularity of the porous structure to decreases at higher temperatures and to vary with concentrated during anodization. The current-time graph for anodization is used together with cross-sectional TEM images to explain the different stages of porous growth in the various electrolytes. Due to finite size of the aluminium layer pore size and inter-pore distance is seen to depend strongly on the electrolyte used and anodization potential. [1] H Masuda and K Fukada, Science, 268(5216), p1466 (1995)

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Journal: TechConnect Briefs
Volume: 2, Technical Proceedings of the 2005 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show, Volume 2
Published: May 8, 2005
Pages: 385 - 387
Industry sector: Advanced Materials & Manufacturing
Topics: Advanced Materials for Engineering Applications, Coatings, Surfaces & Membranes
ISBN: 0-9767985-1-4