Assessment of comparative toxicity of nano- and microparticles of magnetite
Katsnelson B.A., Privalova L.I., Degtyareva T.D., Kuzmin S.V., Sutunkova M.P., Minigalieva I.A., Kireyeva E.P., Khodos M.Y., Shur V.Y., Nikolaeva E.V., Valamina I.E., Tulakina L.G., Pichugova S.V., Beykin J.B., Federal State Institution of Sciences Medical Research, RU
Assessment of toxicity of 10 nm, 50 nm and 1 um Fe3O4 particles based on shift in the cell population of the broncho-alveolar lavage fluid after their intratracheal instillation into lungs of rats and on [...]