Nanotechnology 2013: Electronics, Devices, Fabrication, MEMS, Fluidics and Computational (Volume 2)


  1. Nano Electronics & Photonic Materials & Devices
  2. Organic & Flexible Electronics
  3. MEMS & NEMS Devices & Applications
  4. Inkjet Design, Materials & Fabrication
  5. Micro & Nano Fluidics
  6. NanoFab: Manufacturing & Instrumentation
  7. Modeling & Simulation of Microsystems
  8. Modeling & Simulation at the Nanoscale
  9. Nanotechnology Knowledge Infrastructure
  10. Energy Storage, Novel Generation & Grid

Journal: TechConnect Briefs
Volume: 2, Nanotechnology 2013: Electronics, Devices, Fabrication, MEMS, Fluidics and Computational (Volume 2)
Published: May 12, 2013
ISBN: 978-1-4822-0584-8